Women of the Bible
Lesson Eight
And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of
my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. (Acts 2:18)
In this chapter you will study each reference to women in the book of Acts. Since Acts
tells of the organization of believers into the Church, the study provides knowledge of the
position and ministry of women in the first Church.
Understanding the position of women in the early Church is important because it
establishes the foundation for the ministry of women in the Church today. It will help
you discover the special place of ministry God has for you in His Body, the Church.
There are numerous references to women in the book of Acts. Six verses refer to famous
women who are not related to the study of the early Church:
--Pharaoh's daughter: Acts 7:21
--Candace, in whose service was the eunuch converted through Philip's
witness: Acts 8:27
--Drusilla, wife of the governor, Felix: Acts 24:24
--Bernice, sister of King Agrippa: Acts 25:23
--The goddess Diana, worshiped as mother of gods and men, whose temple
at Ephesus was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Acts 19:27
--Paul's sister: Acts 23:16
The remaining references to women are considered under general headings which reflect
their positions and ministries in the Church.
In most places where the Gospel was preached, women (both Jew and Gentile) are
mentioned as being among those who believed. In Jerusalem, multitudes of both men and
women believed. (Acts 5:14). In Samaria, both men and women believed as a result of
Philip's preaching (Acts 8:12). At Joppa, Dorcas and other women were members of the
early Church (Acts 9:36-43). At Lystra lived Timothy's mother Eunice and grandmother
who were believers (Acts 16:1).
At Philippi, Lydia became the first Christian convert in Europe and there were other
unnamed women who were part of the Church there (Acts 16:13-15).
In Thessalonica and Berea many of the chief women believed (Acts 17:4,12). The greatest
number of women believers mentioned were in Macedonia. Even in Athens where
response to Paul's preaching was minimal, a woman named Damaris and others believed
(Acts 17:34).
These women were not just passive audiences. They were true believers in the Gospel
and were baptized into the Church:
But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom
of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and
women. (Acts 8:12)
Women in the early Church were intercessors in prayer. Mary, the mother of Jesus,
joined the men in prayer waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit:
These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the
women and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. (Acts 1:14)
When Peter was put in prison by Herod, the believers were praying in the home of Mary,
the mother of John Mark. Rhoda, one of the women in the prayer meeting, met Peter at
the door after the angel delivered him from the jail and carried news of the victory to
others at the prayer meeting (Acts 12:12-16).
In the city of Philippi, a group of women met by the river to pray:
And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was
wont to be made, and we sat down, and spake unto the women which
resorted there. (Acts 16:13)
The phrase "wont to be made" means that it was the habit of the women to gather there
for prayer.
In Acts 2:1, Luke records "they" were all in one accord in one place. These "all" were the
same people mentioned in chapter 1:14-15 who were waiting for the outpouring of God's
power. Mary was mentioned as one of those waiting for the Holy Spirit. This means
when the Holy Spirit came on them "all," women were included. As observers asked
what was happening, Peter's explanation of the coming of the Holy Spirit centered on the
prophecy of Joel. It verified that God's power would be poured out upon women:
...this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel...I will pour out of my
spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy...and on
my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my
Spirit, and they shall prophesy. (Acts 2:15-18)
Centuries prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit, God provided for women to be included
in the demonstration of His power.
Acts records how women fulfilled Joel's prophecy:
And the same man (Philip the evangelist) had four daughters, virgins, which
did prophesy. (Acts 21:9)
Because of this passage, the prophecy given by Joel, and some teachings of Paul which
you will study later in this course it is important to understand the meaning of the word
"prophesy.” Two major Bible concordances, Strong's and Young's, as well as an
excellent study of Bible words by Vine provide the following meanings for the word:
Speaking under inspiration.
Revealing the will, mind, counsel and ways of God.
Publicly expounding.
The word "prophesy" also includes teaching or preaching under the inspiration of God as
well as using the gift of prophecy, one of the special gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will
study this later as you study the role of women in spiritual gifts.
Women in Acts provided material support to the work of God. Lydia provided lodging
to Paul's missionary team. Dorcas had a ministry to widow women which included
providing them with clothing. In Corinth, Paul lived in the home of Priscilla, who not
only shared in her husband Aquila's business but also had an important place in the
Corinthian Church. They allowed Paul to share in their business during his stay in
Women were victims of the severe persecution which came upon the early Church.
Before the Apostle Paul's conversion, the Bible records that he entered into homes and
temples of worship and bound both men and women to take them to Jerusalem for trial
(Acts 8:3 and 9:2). Later, he admitted:
I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering both into
prisons both men and women. (Acts 22:4)
Women also served as persecutors of the early Church. In Antioch of Pisidia, some
Jewish women called "devout and honorable" raised up persecution against Paul and
Women were held accountable for sin. Perhaps the most tragic story involving a woman
is the account in Acts 5:1-11 of a woman named Sapphira who joined her husband in a
deceitful plan concerning money. As you read this story, note that it is an opposite
situation to that of Adam and Eve. Here, Satan put the scheme in the husband's heart and
Sapphira joined him in the plan. Sapphira was held equally guilty because she had full
knowledge of her husband's sin and joined him in it. In moral issues, a woman cannot be
blindly obedient to a husband and use the claim of submission to him to excuse her sin.
The same standard of holiness is expected from every follower of Christ, whether male or
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