You may take classes in any order you wish. However, any class with a number after it must be taken from the lowest number to the highest number. Refer to your Student Portal to see what classes you have taken, and which class you want to take next. If you do not wish to receive credits for a Diploma, you may freely audit any class you wish, but please know that any test you submit will not be recorded or saved.

Basic Bible Doctrines
10 Credits (Associates Degree)
This should be the first class you take. Here you will learn the basic teachings of Scripture. Without a full understanding of these doctrines, you will not fully grasp other teachings in Scripture.

5 Credits (Elective)
Angelology is the study of angels. Some people believe angels are human beings who have died. Others believe that angels are impersonal sources of power. Still others deny the existence of angels entirely. A biblical understanding of angelology will correct these false beliefs.

5 Credits (Elective)
Bibliology is the study of the Bible, the Word of God. The Bible is the inspired source of knowledge about God, Jesus Christ, salvation, and eternity. Without a proper view of the Bible, our views on these and other issues become clouded and distorted.

1,2,3 John
5 Credits (Elective)
Dr. Paul Dodson takes you through these three books, highlighting some of the most important doctrines throughout the books.

5 Credits (Elective)
Anthropology is the study of humanity. Christian Anthropology is the study of humanity from a Christian / biblical perspective. It is primarily focused on the nature of humanity, it's fall into sin, and it's redemption through Christ.

5 Credits (Elective)
The book of James is full of practical wisdom for everyday living. Genuine faith will manifest itself in righteous acts that come out of a pure heart. This study will take a close look at how our faith is worked out in everyday life by understanding the principles of godly wisdom.

1 and 2 Peter
5 Credits (Elective)
Dr. Paul Dodson takes us through the books of 1 and 2 Peter, verse by verse. We will see some of the last words from the Apostle Peter as he encourages the disciples to “be ready”.

Genesis 101
10 Credits (Associates Degree)
Dr. Paul Dodson takes us through the book of Genesis, looking at the beginnings of all things, including most doctrines found within the Bible. This is the first of a four part series.

Genesis 202
10 Credits (Bachelors Degree)
This is the second part of a four part series. Dr. Dodson takes you verse by verse through Genesis to discover the origin of all things.

Genesis 303
10 Credits (Masters Degree)
This is the third part of a four part series by Dr. Paul Dodson. Looking at the origin of most Biblical Doctrines, Dr. Dodson takes you verse by verse through this important book of Scripture.

Genesis 404
10 Credits (Doctors Degree)
This is the fourth part of a four part series by Dr. Dodson. These lessons end in chapter six of Genesis.

Seven Laws For Effectual Teaching
10 Credits (Doctors Degree)
In this class the student will learn the seven laws that govern effectual teaching. Once completed, you will have the tools to not only teach a subject, but to impart that subject into your students for life.

Nehemiah, builder for God
10 Credits (Doctors Degree)
Few people are familiar with the Biblical figure Nehemiah, and yet he was instrumental in the rebuilding and reestablishment of Jerusalem. How he went about doing this, sets an example for anyone who wishes to do great things for the Lord.

Biblical Counseling 101
10 Credits (Secondary in Christian Counseling)
The popular philosophies of our day encourage people to find their meaning, purpose, strength, and hope from within. However, Biblical counseling must counsel according to the words of the Bible and its overarching narrative. The story of the Bible centers on Jesus. So, we must seek to understand our own story in light of the gospel of Christ.

Biblical Counseling 202
10 Credits (Secondary in Christian Counseling)
The popular philosophies of our day encourage people to find their meaning, purpose, strength, and hope from within. However, Biblical counseling must counsel according to the words of the Bible and its overarching narrative. The story of the Bible centers on Jesus. So, we must seek to understand our own story in light of the gospel of Christ.

Old Testament Survey 101
10 Credits (Associates degree)
This class gives the student a basic understanding of the main points of each Old Testament book. Understanding what each book is about, and why it was written is crucial in understanding Scripture.

Old Testament Survey 202
10 Credits (Bachelors degree)
Class not loaded yet

Old Testament Survey 303
10 Credits (Masters Degree)
Class not loaded yet

New Testament Survey 101
10 Credits (Bachelors Degree)
The New Testament consists of 27 separate books, written mainly, though not exclusively, by Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. They teach and testify of the ministry and Atonement of Jesus Christ and the rise of the early Christian Church. This class is a basic overview of the first portion of the New Testament. Individual doctrines are covered in other classes.
Final Exam PDF
Answer sheet PDF

New Testament Survey 202
10 Credits (Masters Degree)
This is the second part of a basic study through the New Testament which consists of 27 separate books, written mainly, though not exclusively, by Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. They teach and testify of the ministry and Atonement of Jesus Christ and the rise of the early Christian Church.

Not yet added
Coming soon
This class has not yet been added to the student load

Jail and Prison Ministry
10 Credits (Doctors Degree)
Few ministries are as scary and complex as jail and prison ministries. This class will give you an overview of many aspects of the ministry as well as some helpful tools to succeed.

Women of the Bible
10 Credits (Associate degree)
Throughout the pages of Scripture, you will find many godly women who make a difference for the Lord. Join us here as we take a look at many of these women, and what made them great.

Manors and Customs 101
10 Credits (Associate degree)
Having an understanding of the manors and customs of Bible times is a great asset in understanding Scripture. This course will take you through many of the unique customs that were present during the time the Scriptures were being written. Once completed, you will have a better understanding of what many Scriptures are saying.